YES, leader in mindset and behavioural change

Nothing beats experience as a teacher but how can you guarantee to give people experiences from which they can predictably learn and grow?

All Change must become behavioural if it is to lead to new results and a new culture, yet how do you enable the cultivation of new behaviours and turn those into habits in only a few short sessions?

Culture change comes from a critical mass of a given population adopting the new. Critical mass needs scale and momentum to achieve. How can organisations affordably achieve such scale and momentum?

YES has been creating award-winning immersive and experiential development programs for over 20 years. They drive tangible behavioural change and achieve the critical mass necessary for cultural shift.

what is InterAct?

Interact creates an immersive environment using professional actors and mixes theatre, improvisation and training in a unique experiential program developed by YES over the last 25 years. In a nutshell, we take the stories and situations which affect your people, puts them into a play or online scenario and get your people to intervene in the story, changing the action, trying out new ideas and speaking directly with the actors.

InterAct is a thrilling process which taps the collective intelligence of hundreds of people in 90 minutes and leads to tangible behavioural change. It’s a rehearsal for reality where you can stop time, immerse yourself in the moments that matter most and make fresh choices.

Nothing teaches like experience

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how does Interact work?

imagine a room with up to 300 people, seated in front of a stage. On the stage stands a facilitator and a team of actors. All InterAct sessions start by establishing how many years of related experience there is in the room – 300 people with 10 years experience apiece = 3,000 years worth of experience! What does it know and how do we Google it?

The actors then perform a play researched and written around a specific set of issues and tailored to the audience including their language, humour and cultural references. The play is funny and insightful and ends in disaster for the lead character .


We have a short discussion and then start again. This time, however, the audience can intervene at any moment, stop the action and suggest new ways of progressing the situations.

They can replace an actor on stage, call out from their seat, come on with a friend as a tag team, text a thought into a character’s head or any number of other ways of intervening. The actors improvise around these suggestions often with hilarious consequences.

the audience builds on each other’s suggestions. New ideas are tested and different approaches and behaviours developed. It’s a rehearsal for reality where you can stop time, immerse yourself in the moments that matter most and make fresh choices.

InterAct is delivered in 3 ways:

Face to Face

for between 30 and 1,000 people.

Increasingly we run these sessions in your workplace making most of the moments when fewer people come into the office.


for between 30 and 300 people

Here we turn Teams, Zoom, Google Meet into a live TV studio and have multi-layered dynamic interactions with the audience.


for up to 200 people live and
1,500 people online

For up to 200 people live and 1,500 people online, Hybrid delivery is the most scalable and engaging way to launch a program, cultural change or disseminate new ideas compellingly.


is often used as ‘the big event’ to launch a new initiative such as a reorganisation, a merger or a systems change.