YES, leader in mindset and behavioural change

the 9 key skill-sets to lead change effectively

There’s another level to go to which brings people to radical effectiveness. There are 9 key skill-sets which allow anyone to lead change effectively, adapt rapidly to the new, and bring people with them. In the past 25 years, we have trained over 400,000 people in more than 70 countries helping world leading organisations achieve better results. This experience has lead us to create 9 unique behavioural change training programs which drive far-reaching behavioural effectiveness in participants wherever they are in the organisation. We have called them “the 9”.

Much of the learning and techniques in these programs are embedded into language and sentence stems.

  • This means they:
    are easy to assimilate, experiment with and use.
  • are absorbed into people’s natural behaviour and thus become habit-forming
  • upgrade culture
  • can be integrated in AI driven programs

Time + helps your people win back 20% of their time every week with equal or better results… and develop themselves in the process.

That’s the equivalent of 1 day per week, per person.

If a person can achieve equal or better results in 20% less time, how much more effective are they?

If they can use that time to develop themselves in new and unexpected ways, how much happier are they?

If ‘Time is Money’, how much is 20% worth?

We need managers and leaders to be inclusive in all their interactions with their people, stakeholders and clients. We also need them to run meetings, events and discussions in ways which engage, enthuse and drive positive action.

What if it was the same skill-set which leads to extraordinary effectiveness in both these areas and more?

The include+ program delivers this invaluable skill-set.

communicate+ is a unique program which provides core behavioural tools to take people to their next level of presentation and communication.

The application of this program enabled one of our key clients to close £1.8 billion of new business in 2 years.

create+ provides behavioural triggers to enable individuals, teams, organisations and networks to access new levels of creativity, innovation, problem solving and paradigm-shift thinking spontaneously and forever.

what if we could all access immediate, instantaneous creativity through a set of practices that we can apply everyday in our lives?

“Nothing is more powerful than a group of people who share a common, compelling Purpose”

collaborate+ radically changes the way teams connect with each other, drive mutual empowerment, share ideas, receive and deliver feedback and harness collective intelligence.

It’s also really good fun and makes play an essential ingredient in all team interactions.

There’s a lot of talk about Leaders being purposeful and driven by the organisation’s values… but how do you do that? … When Monday morning rolls around, how do you change the way you make decisions, think and act?

Value-Able Leadership helps leaders find their Purpose in work and life, define their values and how they are expressed within those of the organisation…. and helps them behave those values intentionally and proactively in the big and small moments.

We don’t wake up in the morning with a script about how the day is going to go. At every moment, in every situation we are improvising to a greater or lesser extent. So, how do we master this art form? How do we become spontaneously effective?

Improvisation brings presence, opens people up to new levels of creativity and helps them connect with others deeply, spontaneously and authentically.

Improve-ise+ takes that skill-set and gives people the wherewithal to improve any situation, interpersonal dynamic or interaction in the moment and without preparation.

People in middle management and above say they spend up to 70% of their time in meetings but that only about 15% of that time is highly effective.

This means that about half of their working life is spent in meetings that go nowhere. Those figures equate to years of a person’s life and millions of €,$,£ for organisations.

Meet+ gives people templates, behaviours and formats which save them 30-50% of the time they spend in meetings with better, quantifiable outputs.

Storytelling is perhaps the most significant skill for creating impact, relevance, rapport, change and sales. Yet despite its importance as a skill, it remains one of the least developed.

This program brings participants to a level of mastery in 5 x 90 minute online sessions.