YES, leader in mindset and behavioural change

bold, dynamic, fast paced, fun and deeply practical events

It takes a lot of time, effort and resources to create an offsite, conference or event. We believe that you should not only get ROI – return on investment, but also ROC – a return on the carbon created to have people travel to your event.


We design and deliver events which are bold, dynamic, fast paced, fun and deeply practical. We have created numerous ‘Big Team’ activities where anything from 20 to 2,000 people can participate equally in the creation and realisation of new possibilities.


All our events focus on creating a real and sustainable shift in participants and on harnessing the immense and largely untapped power, of collective intelligence… and they’re all good fun.


We bring purpose, engagement and a light touch.


Online events or e-vents as we call them, are the most cost effective and sustainable way of bringing people together… but only if they are engaging and truly interactive. We don’t consider a few questions and comments in the chat box to be interactive.


We believe that an e-vent should be the beginning of something new… a moment of connection that galvanises new direction and concerted action. For that to happen, an e-vent needs to be, engaging, intriguing, well paced and highly, highly interactive.

Our online conferences use:

  • Immersive storytelling
  • Dynamic discussion
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Co-creation exercises
  • Multiple collectively intelligent tools
  • Gamified audience participation
  • Co-facilitators (people we train in your organisation to add scale & to leave that acumen in-house)